About Us
The Latrobe Valley Aero Club was established in 1949. We are located at the Latrobe Regional Airport, 160km east of Melbourne and are a Civil Aviation Safety Authority approved Flying School.
Latrobe Valley Aero Club’s goal is to promote aviation throughout Gippsland.
The primary activities of the Aero Club are flight training and aircraft rental to Club Members. The Club employs experienced, professional flight instructors and support staff, owns its own fleet of training and rental aircraft and has a comfortable clubhouse incorporating well equipped flying school facilities at the Latrobe Regional Airport.
The Latrobe Valley Aero Club offers training for all standards whether learning for pleasure (Private Pilot) or a career (Commercial Pilot). Our staff can tailor a suitable training course to suit your needs.
The Latrobe Valley Aero Club also caters for Recreational Aviation training having updated our fleet to include a Tecnam P92 Eaglet Light Sport and an Aeropro EuroFox 3K Trigear and being affiliated with Recreational Aviation Australia.
The Club is proud of its safety record and the high standards achieved by graduate pilots. Pilots trained by LVAC fly with domestic, international and regional airlines, charter and air agricultural companies, flight training schools and the Armed Services.
The Club offers flying activities for its members such as fly-aways, flying safaris, air shows and flying skill enhancement competitions.
The Club incorporates an active social club which is open to all members over the age of 16.